Scientific Meetings, Conferences and Public Talks in the UK

The UK hosts hundreds of scientific meetings, conferences and public talks each year. The topics/subjects, size and format vary greatly from one event to another but all the main fields including life sciences, engineering, chemistry including the controversial physics, maths, earth science, medicine,… are covered. Some are dealing with specific challenges of particular communities/regions, while others are dealing with global issues and concerns. Also, some are open to the wider public and some only to the members of the scientific community or particular scientific organisation/association. And while some meetings, conferences and public talks are one-time events, others have grown into major annual gatherings that are attended by participants from all over Britain and in some cases, from around the world. Examples include:

  • IMA Conference of Mathematical Education of Engineers. Organised by the Institute of Mathematics at Loughborough this conference focuses on the question and challenges of mathematical education of engineers, and is intended for university mathematical teachers. Besides providing the latest views and approaches to teaching maths, the event also promotes exchange of ideas and networking between the participants.

  • Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics/EPS Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference. This conference is organised by the IOP Nuclear Physics Group and is open to everyone interested in the role of nuclear physics in astrophysics and the laws that govern the universe, formation of the stars, etc. It is held every two years and is traditionally attended by a number of scientists and researchers from many different communities, most notably nuclear physics, astrophysics, astronomy and chemistry.

  • QuAMP. Covering a wide range of subjects ranging from Quantum technology, e cigs, rules and Ultra-cold matter to Atomic and molecular interactions and Plasma physics, to mention only a few, the QuAMP is a biennial international conference that is organised by the IOP Quantum Optics, Quantum Information and Quantum Control Group. So far, it has been hosted by the University of Leeds, University of Oxford and Swansea University, while the 2015 conference will be hosted by the University of Sussex.

  • Petroleum Geology of Northwest Europe Conference. Organised by the Geological Society of London, the Energy Institute and the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain since 1974, this conference is dedicated to the exploration of oil and gas in the UK North Sea, lessons learnt from the past and the future goals/projects. The Petroleum Geology of Northwest Europe Conference is held every six years.